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The Stress Less Holiday Yoga


Live @ 9:00 am ET

(replays same day)

12/18 - 1/31

Cost: 99

This Holiday season I'll be leading a six week long Stressless Holiday Yoga Challenge.  That's right, the challenge is to stress less!  


Here are a few things I know right now...

The world around us may be unpredictable AND we can cultivate a sense of peace within us.  

The news around us may be moving quickly AND we can slow things down within us. 

The days may be getting darker and colder AND we can tap into the warmth and light within us.

Another thing I know is that this time of year can be a little stressful and our options for mobility this year may be a little different AND we can keep moving!  

At home. 



Winter brings colder days and longer nights and for many of us (definitely for me!) that means less movement and less motivation.


Add to the mix holiday season stress and all the other daily modern stressors and one thing is clear: we need to make our health and self care a priority!

This winter let's move, breathe, and be the source of strength we wish to see in the world.

Join me during the  the Stressless Holiday Yoga Series. 

Three brand new live yoga classes each week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Plus a bonus therapy ball roll out class on Mondays. 


All from the comfort of your home.  Live and together at 9:00 am ET or later at your leisure.  Create quiet time and space just for you or practice with your family - four legged or two. Roll around on therapy balls in your pjs with a mug of tea close by.  Hit pause if nature calls or the doorbell rings.


Your practice.  At home. Together.  

Live Via Zoom.  Replays Sent w/in 24 Hours.

Suggested Props:

  • Yoga Blocks

  • Yoga Strap

  • Blanket/Cushion

  • Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls

  • Coregeous Ball

***Or similar things. Email me if you have substitution questions or need balls!***

Six Weeks. 18 Yoga Classes + 6 Bonus Therapy Ball Classes​. $99

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